Sunday, March 28, 2010


I am going to tell you everything and PLEASE if you have any information and/or have heard of anything PLEASE let me know. They tested me for salmonella and sure enough I have it. I haven't had any symptoms which can be normal for adults or at least I don't think I have. Right after Kenley was born I lost my appetite and I did the same when Luke was born too. So I really haven't eaten anything since Wed. March 17. On Monday they wanted me to give a stool sample. Well I couldn't go to the restroom so I had to take stool softeners and drink 1 dose of Miralax. I was able to go but it was very hard. Well on Friday March 26th at 1:00 am to 3:00 am I had very very loose stools. I thought maybe all those stool softeners and Miralax were finally hitting me. Not to be gross but it smelt like Kenley's and was yellow and stringy (not sure if that's because i haven't eaten or am I trying to pass the Salmonella). When I went to go see Kenley in the NICU the lab called and said I tested positive for Salmonella and I just broke down in tears because no one was able to give me for sure information. The nurses were so sweet and they comforted me and told me that it would be better if they kept Kenley instead of me taking her to the room by myself. Poor Kevin was in Big Spring when all this was happening. The GI doctor finally came and visited with me quickly because I am considered an out-patient. He told me that they normally don't treat this, but I am going to give you medication. He also said something about something going to my gallbladder. I told him about my very loose stools (not sure if it's from the stool softeners or if I was trying to pass the bacteria) and he didn't give me an answer. He told me he wanted me to continue taking the Miralax but only half the dosage and if I continue to have loose stools to call him. So I was really confused, because I was already having loose stools and wouldn't the Miralax just make it worse. I was also confused because I didn't know if I should take this medication because it might prolong the Salmonella. Well, Kevin and I did some research from some reliable websites and found out that I might be a carrier (not sure what that means), I could just pass it by going to the restroom, I could shed it for 5 weeks (don't know what the means either), and it can only be passed from feces to mouth or by food poisoning. This is what we found out about treating it with medication. They usually don't do that unless a young child has it, an elder person, or someone with a weak immune system. As you can tell this has added some stress on me because I am not sure if I should take this medication. I am going to call the doctor on Monday and try to find something out. However on the good side, we were glad to hear that I have it because we now know how Kenley got it. When she was born she caught it. The doctor told me that you can get salmonella from anything, like taking a bite of a bad piece of lettuce, so we have no idea where I got it from. This makes me wonder if there are other people who might have salmonella and not know it because they don't have any symptoms. I want to know if we would have found out that I had it before Kenley was born and had a C-section would she have caught it. Her doctor told me that when babies are born (not by a C-section) they are exposed to everything in your front private area and back private area. Please let me know if you have any information.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Carley that is crazy I've never heard of this before, but I'm glad you know how she got it. I don't have any info to give you but I think your right to research it and ask the doctor more questions. Keep us updated!!
