After his game, Luke went with his dad since his cousin was in town so that they could play. Kevin and I went to eat with my mom at the Tom Green County Stockshow Sale. We then went to Target to buy a baby shower gift for one of my friend's Gentry. Well, we also had to get Kenley something too. So we got her an outfit. I also bought 12 crochet headbands w/big flowers off the internet and they should be here next week (can't wait to see them). I want her to have a bow that practically hangs in her face, with every outfit. Way off the subject, but I am already planning on what I want her to wear for her newborn pictures, we will see if I can find a petiskirt at an affordable price. There's a pic of what I am trying to find. (I wish I could sew). Okay, back to the weekend. When we got back from Target, we checked the mail and we got our baby shower invitation. I LOVE IT!!
So beautiful I love it all!!