Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Luke Not Feeling Well & Kenley 5 wks. old

Yesterday afternoon Luke said he didn't feel well. Around 4 in the afternoon he started throwing up. He threw up 5 times but had no fever. He said it was the chocolate milk in the cafeteria. As you can see Luke's feeling much better today. Kenley had to a doctor's appt so Luke went to Mimi's so that he wouldn't catch something else. She's a little piggy, she gained 11 ounces in one week. The doctor said that was a little to much, but with everything she has gone through it's okay. Mollie enjoying the sun today.

Tummy Time and Ruffles

Visiting Dr. Gibson

As we were waiting in the waiting room I took this pic of her. We went to see Dr. Gibson so that he could look at her incesion and he said it looks perfect.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

1 Month

Luke holding his baby sister

Luke finally got to hold his baby sister. He hasn't been able to since she has been sick and because he goes to school we didn't want her to catch something that he could have got from school and get her sick. He loves her so much!!

3 Weeks Old

3 weeks old at the hospital, sleeping peacefully.

Back to the hospital: Long Update

Kenley had been doing really good at home. Right after Easter I started noticing that Kenley wasn't eating as much and was sleeping more. It wouldn't be a big deal except she had lost weight being in the NICU so we were trying to get her back to her birth weight which was 7lbs. She didn't have a fever and was never fussy. Sometimes, but not every day, she would throw up everything she drank 2 hours later. So I thought maybe she has a really sensitive stomach and we don't need to move her much after her feedings. Well, on Easter when I was burping her she threw up. I am not talking about spit up, this is real throw up. It never bothered her when she would throw up. She kept doing this every other day: either throwing up hours after a bottle or while I was burping her. Well on Tuesday April 13 I thought we were getting better. I thought I had figured out how to handle her and how to burp her without throwing up because she had an awesome day. She didn't miss a feeding that day and never threw up. Well that night several hours after a bottle she threw up and I mean everything. The next morning she was throwing up after every feeding so I decided to call the doctor. We went to go see him and he said she might be sensitive to milk so we changed her formula. For some reason I really didn't think that was the case, but I am not a doctor. Also while we were there we found out that a stool sample that I had to take to the lab to see if she still had salmonella came back positive. So her doctor decided to put her on medicine. I knew she wasn't going to be able to keep it down since she was throwing everything up. So I was so upset as you can imagine. I wanted her to be better and instead I found out she still had Salmonella. The throwing up had nothing to do with the Salmonella. My mom came and stayed with me because I was so upset and Kevin had to go back to work. When I gave her medicine to her, she threw up. So I called the dr. and he wanted to put her in the hospital because she couldn't keep her medicine down. So we went to the hospital Wed. afternoon. They put her medicine threw an IV so that she wouldn't throw it up. He also took her off formula and we did pedialite, which was a terrible decision because she threw that up so fast. I did some research on the internet and found Pyloric Stenoises. Again I am not a doctor and didn't want to say anything to him. The following days she kept throwing everything up. Her doctor decided to see if she had reflux. We went down to Xray and they gave her barrium to drink. You could actually see on the Xray as she swallowed it, it was coming right back up. It never got to her stomach, so that tells us she has REALLY bad reflux. He then told me about Pyloric Stenoises so went back down to the ultrasound room. The results were inconclusive because it didn't show that she didn't have it, but it didn't show that she had it. They said we will do it again on Monday. Well on Sunday one of the nurses saw Dr. Gibson and stopped him and begged him if we could do the ultrasound today because they were pretty forsure that was what she had. So he arranged for that to happen and sure enough it showed on the ultrasound that she had it. They look for this thing that looks like an olive. I was releived when they said that's what she had because I knew it could be fixed. Where as if she had reflux we would have to deal with it until she out grew it. My mom knows Dr. Gibson and he knew how stressed I had been so he said he would do the surgery today. Well, I was now so scared, not of the surgery, but of the anasthetics. The Anathesiologist came and talked to me and reasurred me that he felt confident putting her under because all her labs came back looking real good. I couldn't even take her down to the waiting room were they take her from you to go into surgery. I was so sad and scared. My mom took her down for me and Kevin stayed with me because I was at rock bottom again. Her face was covered in my tears when I was saying bye to her. Time went by so slow as we waited for Dr. Gibson to come and tell us how it went. Finally he came out and said it went perfect. I was now crying with happy tears. He did mention that they could still throw up 48 hrs. after surgery. Well the next day in the evening she threw up. Her pediatrician decided to keep her a few more days and to put her on reflux medicine because he thought she might have that. Well after that she didn't throw up again but we kept giving her reflux medicine. I could see a big difference in her fast. She was eating more and was burping normal. When we left the hospital she was back to her birth weight at 7 lbs. We ended up staying in the hospital for a week and 1 day. We are now at home and she hasn't thrown up and she is eating 4 ozs. which is really good for her.


Luke and Nana

Luke and his Aunt Lindsey

Our Other Children

Mollie and Wilson enjoying some time inside. I feel so bad for them, they have been staying outside all day and night when we were at the hospital. They are still staying outside because they are really really interested in Kenley and won't leave her alone.

Picking Up Big Brother

Kenley's first time to go pick up her big brother from school.

2 Weeks Old

She looks really big in this pic., but she is actually very small.

Kenley and Luke


Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, we have been really busy. So I am going to give an update. Kenley was born on Wed. March 17 and on Friday March 19 Kenley got really sick and they admitted her in the NICU. Kevin and I stayed at the hospital till she was out. We would rotate to go see Luke and he would also come up there to see us. We left the NICU Monday March 29.
Going Home

Mollie and Wilson were really interested in her.