Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snowy Day: Dr. Appt.

Kevin couldn't make it to this appt., he was in Big Spring. The dr. office called earlier today to see if i could come in earlier due to the weather. Everything looks great, and as of now, I will be induced March 31. I really wanted to go as long as I could because of my days at work, but the Dr. said that we can always change it or she might come earlier than March 31 too. He really wants to be their to deliver that's why he wants to induce.

My New Projects

I just finished making Kenley's bow holder. I really wanted to order one online, but Kevin wouldn't let me have one for $90 so I decided I would try to make one. It was very hard, but I loved how it turned out. I put a few bows on it and it can also hold bows at the top of the dress too. I also finished her baskets. I had extra material and fringe from her bedding so I used that. My next project that I will attempt will be to make her pettiskirt (not sure if i spelled that correctly).

More Snowy Day Pics

Snowy Day: No School

Luke and I were so happy to hear no school today. We woke up and it looked so pretty seeing the snow fall. We ate breakfast and then went and played in the snow. When we were done we came in to have some hot chocolate. I have a doctors appt this afternoon, so we will see if I will be making that. For those who haven't heard, I am now going to the doctor weekly. Last week when I went I told him that my stomach as been tightning up hard and it happens all the time at work. He said I was having Braxton Hicks contractions. So he wrote me a note for work (I sound like a kid) explaining that I don't need to be on my feet as much. Karen has helped me so much. We will see what he says at this appt.

More Pics from Baby Shower

Beautiful Baby Shower

We had the most beautiful baby shower. I have wonderful friends who did an amazing job and I can't thank them enough.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Kenley's Coming Home Outfit

Kenley's coming home outfit just arrived. It's so cute!