Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Something for Harper

Yesterday Kenley and I went to target and we got Harper a few things.

It's a girl

We found out on dec. 16 we are having a girl. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

It's been a long time

This past weekend Kevin took Luke to Dallas for a soccer tournament. Kenley and I spent time with my mom. We went Christmas at Old Fort Concho, ate lunch at Henry's, helped Nana ring bell at the mall, saw Santa, and shopped.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

4 Months Old

Time is going by sooooo fast. She is getting so big.
*eyes are still blue
*sleeps through the night (she will go to bed around 10 and I will have to wake her at 8:00 or we will have a bad day)
*she is losing her hair
*started rice cereal (loved it her first time and doesn't really care for it now)
*will have 5 (6 ounce bottles) a day. No more, no less.
*grunts, growls, and babbles
*giggles out-loud (only has done it twice)
*puts all her toys in her mouth
*starting to recognize strangers (she wants her mom)
*loves to watch baseball on tv
*loves for u to sing to her
*She has been to new mexico and austin so far

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Kenley in the Towel Basket

Yesterday I was folding towels and Kenley was tired of being in her bouncy seat and didn't want to do tummy time so I decided to put her in the towel basket. She loved it. She loves the pink and white towel she always looks at it during bath time, it must be the stripes.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

3 Months Old

*eyes are still blue
*sleeps through the night
*6 ozs. every 3 to 4 hrs.
*likes to fall asleep on couch
*smiles a lot
*coooos and makes spit bubbles
*starting to grab and reach for things
*rolls over from stomach to back and scoots around
*drools a lot
*loves being outside
*likes to be carried facing out, doesn't like to be craddled
*wears 3 month and 3 to 6 month clothes
*size 1 in diapers